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DeSantis gave $103.4 million in no-bid contracts to Sunrise’s MedPro, accused of ‘trafficking’ foreign nurses, to staff vaccine sites
DeSantis gave $103.4 million in no-bid contracts to Sunrise’s MedPro, accused of ‘trafficking’ foreign nurses, to staff vaccine sites
Florida Bulldog
Attorney Gavin Elliot represented Althea Martineau in countersuing the company resulting in the suit being dropped and dismissed.
Ask A Lawyer: Common Misconceptions
Haute Living
Welcome to the monthly “Ask An Attorney” article. In this segment, Haute Lawyer asks our attorneys your burning questions so that you can receive informed and well-rounded answers from the top attorneys in the nation. This month’s topic is common misconceptions.
“What is a common misconception you run across about lawyers in your field?”
Gavin Tudor Elliot, Business Law & Business Litigation, South Florida
“I have often heard friends and other people I met say that if you want to kill a deal give it to a lawyer or an accountant. The presumption is that the lawyer will mire you in the details of the language and law while the accountant will mire you in the details of the numbers and kill the deal.
Read more here: silence buys plenty of legal trouble
Orlando Business Journal
ORLANDO -- Gavin Elliot isn't talking.
The assistant Orange County public defender is defying a judge's order that he discuss an encounter he may -- or may not have had -- with his client.
In the process, he has set up something of a legal showdown over the issue of confidential discussions between lawyers and clients.
Read more here: Lawyer Experts Give Helpful Advice To Potential Clients
Haute Living
Haute Lawyer talked with top law experts to discuss what should be weighed when deciding which lawyer to choose for specific cases.
Here is what they had to say:
Gavin Tudor Elliot, Business Law & Business Litigation, South Florida
Before you decide to investigate lawyers, you should determine whether bringing the action makes business sense. Litigating based upon principle can often require the expenditure of a significant principal. This critical question contemplates not only dollars and cents but concerns related to reputation, relationships, business continuity, collectability, enforceability, and a variety of other matters. An added benefit of this analysis is that it can help you develop a preliminary idea of your highest result and what lesser results would be acceptable based upon a variety of circumstances.
Read more here: Legal Group, P.A.
Superior Business Counsel With Contract Negotiation And Enforcement
Gavin Tudor Elliot, owner of the Elliot Legal Group, P.A., brings decades of business law experience – in and out of the courtroom and across the globe – to ensure that your company is positioned for success.
Elliot has more than 18 years of experience representing clients in Florida. He is also a licensed attorney in Washington, D.C., and a solicitor in Wales and England, where he was born. He has arranged the acquisitions of a financial institution and a software developer in Europe, the formation of an online retail start-up in the United States, and negotiated and drafted a distribution agreement under English law between Asia and the Middle East.
He has always been fascinated by legal contracts and the written word, meticulously crafting business contracts to protect all parties involved.
Contracts are king in both business law and real estate – two areas where he focuses his practice.
Elliot is extremely knowledgeable in creating contracts for business formations and acquisitions, restructuring and reviewing existing contracts, and protecting his clients’ rights in court. His experience as both a transactional attorney and a litigator has taught him not only how contracts work in the boardroom but how they’re interpreted in the courtroom.
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