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Attorney Gavin Elliot Helps Clients Recover Attorney's Fees in Real Estate Lawsuit

Recently, Attorney Gavin Elliot represented clients in a lawsuit in Palm Beach County involving a breach of contract during a real estate transaction. As part of this litigation, the plaintiff sought to recover the attorney's fees and costs involved in the lawsuit. Attorney Elliot was successful in recovering compensation for the plaintiffs, providing evidence and testimony from an expert witness demonstrating that the rates for the three attorneys the plaintiffs hired were reasonable. The court awarded a total of $68,042.50 in attorney's fees, as well as $4,546.81 in other costs and $3,200 for the expert witness. If you have questions about how The Elliot Legal Group, P.A. can help address similar issues during litigation involving real estate law or business law, please contact us at 754-332-2101.

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