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Why You Need Attorneys Who Understand Mental Health Law

 Posted on May 25, 2022 in Business Law

b2ap3_thumbnail_iStock-1305243291.jpgMay is Mental Health Awareness Month. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one in five adults in the United States lives with a mental illness. It’s not only prevalent but so many more people are opening up and sharing their own journeys with mental illness in very public manners – from conversations to bigger social media platforms. 

At the Elliot Legal Group, we always want to be sensitive and compassionate to our clients’ personal backgrounds and circumstances. The ability to shine a light on mental illness in May, and beyond, is a fantastic way to normalize the conversations and further remove the stigma. It’s also important to us that our clients who do suffer from any level of mental health issues, know and understand their rights and that they feel seen.

We know that the intricacies of the law are dynamic. They change. They evolve. The law can be confusing and even a little bit tricky to navigate at times. That’s why it’s crucial to have counsel on your side who can help you with legal matters and give you a solid understanding of your rights. Many times, unfortunately people with mental health disorders can get lost in the shuffle and have even been discriminated against within the legal systems in their respective counties and states. 

Elliot Legal Group is comprised of staunch advocates for mental health, and we are ready to secure the best possible outcomes for our clients.  We always remain conscious of the disparity around the law and how it affects clients with mental health concerns. We are on your side and are diligent with all of our clients, including providing the necessary support to anyone suffering from mental health disorders. We are ready to help so call today for a consultation.


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