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What Should Be Included in a Start-Up Company’s Bylaws?
There are a multitude of decisions you need to make when you are starting a new business. One necessary step is establishing the bylaws that will govern your company’s decision-making process and internal operations. Bylaws serve as a type of roadmap for how the company will run, including defining rights, responsibilities, and procedures that will guide its operations. The following is a brief overview of some of the issues that you may want to consider in your new company’s bylaws.
Company Structure
The bylaws of your company should specify what the company structure is – i.e., partnership, LLC, etc. You should establish the roles of key personnel, including directors, officers, and shareholders, and what their responsibilities will be. You should also specify the powers and limitations each of these positions has in order to ensure clarity and accountability.
Decision-Making Process
When it comes to addressing the decision-making process, it is critical to identify who has the authority to make decisions. Will it be a majority of the shareholders, the board of directors, or will there be other mechanisms in place? Included in this section should be guidelines established for meetings, voting procedures, and quorum requirements.
Shareholder Rights
If your company will have shareholders, you need to establish what their rights and privileges are. This includes dividend distributions, voting rights, and what the process will be for transferring ownership. Include any restrictions on share transfers, such as requirements for shareholder approval under certain circumstances.
Board of Directors
If your company will have a board of directors, there should be bylaw provisions that define their roles, state how long they will hold office, and what the procedures will be for appointing and removing them. You also should stipulate how often the board will meet, quorum requirements, and how the powers of decision-making will be delegated.
Officer Roles and Duties
Clearly outline the duties and responsibilities of officers within the company, including the CEO, CFO, and other key executives. These duties can include what type of authority executives have to act on behalf of your company, what qualifications they must have, and what the procedures for appointment and removal are.
Once you have the roles of everyone established, you should then turn to company finances. Make sure you establish guidelines for all areas of financial management. This can include:
Preparation and approval of budgets
Financial reporting requirements
Procedures for handling company funds
You may also want to consider bylaw provisions that address audits, compliance with laws and regulations, and financial controls.
Every set of company bylaws should include a provision that addresses the process for dissolving the company, distributing assets, and how liabilities will be addressed should the company liquidate.
Contact a Florida Business Lawyer for Legal Assistance
If you are starting up a new company – no matter what the size or business structure – make sure you have a seasoned Fort Lauderdale, FL business startup attorney assisting you every step of the way. Call The Elliot Legal Group, P.A. at 754-332-2101 to schedule an initial consultation and help ensure your company’s success before you even open its doors.