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What Is Falsified Accounting in a Business?
When you enter into a business with partners, there is an implied trust that each one involved in the company will operate with honesty and integrity. Unfortunately, that is not always the case and there are situations where a partner will engage in falsified accounting.
Falsified accounting, also known as creative accounting or accounting fraud, refers to the deliberate manipulation or misrepresentation of financial information to make a company's financial performance appear better than it actually is. The practice is unethical and illegal and has resulted in severe consequences for the company and any investors.
What Are Some Examples of Falsified Accounting?
One of the most common ways that companies engage in falsified accounting is by inflating their revenues or understating their expenses. For example, a company might record revenue from a sale that has not yet been completed or inflate the value of its inventory to make its financial statements look more robust. On the other hand, a company might understate its expenses by failing to record all of its liabilities, such as unpaid bills or accrued wages.
Another way that companies engage in falsified accounting is by manipulating their financial statements to hide losses or debt. In some cases, a company will overstate the value of their assets – such as equipment or property – in order to offset losses they have in other areas. Another common manipulation method is hiding debt in complex financial instruments, like offloading that debt into subsidiaries.
Consequences of Falsified Accounting
The consequences of falsified accounting can be severe. The practice can lead to a loss of credibility and trust, which can harm relationships with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Falsified accounting can also lead to legal consequences, such as fines, penalties, and lawsuits.
Investors can be especially impacted. When companies manipulate their financial statements, it can lead investors to make incorrect assumptions about the company's financial health and prospects, leading to overvalued stocks. This can eventually lead to a market correction when the truth about the company's financial health is revealed. Investors who have invested in companies that engage in falsified accounting may suffer significant losses if the company's stock price collapses.
Let a Fort Lauderdale, FL Business Attorney Help
To prevent falsified accounting, businesses should establish clear policies and procedures for financial reporting, ensure that their financial statements are audited by independent third-party auditors, and take steps to promote a culture of ethical behavior and accountability. A Broward County business lawyer can help your company create the protections you need, as well as address the myriad of legal and financial issues that you may be dealing with if you have recently discovered the practice taking place in your company. Call The Elliot Legal Group, P.A. at 754-332-2101 to schedule a confidential consultation.