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Top Benefits of An Outside General Counsel
Running a business is always challenging, made more so by the many legal issues that may come up. As your business grows, your exposure to legal risk and the need for legal counsel will only grow with it. By hiring an outside general counsel, your business can benefit from the advice of someone who knows both the law and your business well. An outside counsel can help you identify legal issues, lessen risks, and build a successful legal strategy. A Fort Lauderdale, FL attorney can serve as outside general counsel for your company.
Why Hire an Outside General Counsel?
An outside general counsel can handle the legal needs of a small or medium-sized company and identify legal issues before they grow into problems by doing the following:
A top priority for any business is ensuring compliance with the laws and regulations affecting its line of work. Frequent changes to the law make ongoing compliance more challenging. An outside general counsel can set up a compliance process to ensure that your business is not exposed to litigation for failing to comply with the law.
Contract Management
As businesses grow, so do their contracts. An outside general counsel can draft, negotiate, and review agreements. As your team makes deals to grow your business, an outside general counsel can review the agreements with an eye to giving your business the flexibility to grow while protecting your legal and financial interests.
An outside legal counsel can advise you on legal disputes, and negotiate a solution outside the courtroom. They can implement procedures to resolve disputes and zealously litigate lawsuits on your behalf.
Employment Law
An outside legal counsel who knows your business can implement procedures to lessen legal exposure in employment matters related to federal and Florida employment law requirements. From drafting and reviewing employee handbooks to advising human resources on difficult employment matters, an outside counsel can play a vital role in minimizing legal risk in employment matters.
Minimizing Legal Fees
By having a dedicated outside attorney, you can save on the legal fees that would be billed by separate law firms. As a small or medium-sized business, you may not have the financial resources to retain an inside general counsel yet, but by undertaking an outside general counsel who knows your business you can maximize efficiency and reduce legal fees.
Contact a Fort Lauderdale, FL General Counsel Attorney
Whether related to employment issues, regulatory compliance, or litigation, the law touches nearly every aspect of a business operation. By undertaking an experienced Broward County, FL outside general counsel, you get legal advice from someone knowledgeable about the ins and outs of your business. Contact our attorney at The Elliot Legal Group, P.A. by calling 754-332-2101 today.