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Common Florida Business Disputes
Disputes come with the territory in the business world, but when those disputes involve legal issues and cannot be resolved amicably, they can escalate into legal action. Legal disputes come up in many business contexts, whether between business partners, shareholders, buyers, and sellers or between a business and its clients. That is why it is crucial to consult with an experienced Fort Lauderdale, FL business law attorney who can provide advice on preventing and resolving business disputes.
Partnership Disputes
Business partners can have differing perspectives on business decisions, such as about the direction of the business or whether to expand. When those disagreements cannot be resolved, that can spell trouble. Sometimes partnership disputes occur when a partner is accused of intentionally misappropriating funds for their own personal use. Disputes about partner compensation may also arise when partners disagree on how a company’s profits should be distributed between partners, or if the partners have different ideas about how much compensation they should receive.
Shareholder Disputes
Corporate shareholder disputes can occur equally in closely held corporations and multinational corporations. Shareholders may disagree about how dividend payments should be made to distribute profits. Additionally, if shareholders feel that the company’s directors or majority shareholders are mismanaging funds or misappropriating funds for personal gain, they may initiate legal action.
Member Disputes
Members of a Florida limited liability company (LLC) may disagree about how the business should be run. LLC membership disputes may also concern different ideas about how profits should be shared amongst members. Disputes can arise when members feel that they are generally not being compensated appropriately.
Breach of Contract Disputes
This is perhaps the most common type of business dispute. Contracts are the way that companies do business, but when one party does not abide by the terms of a legally binding agreement, that can lead to financial losses for the other party–and threats of litigation.
Vendor Disputes
When a vendor and a business disagree over the goods or services provided, that can affect a business’s ability to operate and its reputation and bottom line. Disputes can arise over the quality of goods or services, or the failure to provide goods or services in a timely manner or at all. Additionally, vendors and businesses can disagree about payment terms.
Contact a Broward County, FL Business Dispute Attorney
If your business faces a dispute, an experienced Oakland Park, FL business dispute attorney can represent you and work with you to resolve the issue in and out of the courtroom. At The Elliot Legal Group, P.A., attorney Gavin Elliot has over 20 years of experience representing clients. Call our law firm at 754-332-2101 for a consultation today.